Edna McMillan State Missions Offering

What is the Edna McMillan State Missions Offering?

Give to Edna McMillan State Missions Offering


The Edna McMillan State Missions Offering is an annual offering collected by Oklahoma Baptists to support state missions.  The offering is named for one of its earliest advocates and mission pioneers, Edna McMillan.  Edna held numerous roles in the church and worked diligently and tirelessly for Oklahoma Woman’s Missionary Union.  She was an effective communicator and consistently challenged Oklahoma Baptists to give generously to state missions.  The state WMU Board voted unanimously to name the State Missions Offering in her honor in 1939.


Week of Prayer: September 1-8

Brokenness is an opportunity for Gospel advance.  Pray for the brokenness in your community.  Ask the Lord what role you can have in reaching others for Jesus.  Click below for the 2024 State Missions Offering Prayer Guide.

State Missions Offering Prayer Guide

Where Does Your Money Go?

100% of your gift to the State Missions Offering advances the Gospel in Oklahoma.  Your generosity supports vital ministry and missions here in Oklahoma; helping reach many lost people for Christ with the Gospel.  These vital missions and ministries include Disaster Relief, reaching displaced refugees with the hope of Christ, coming alongside churches in need of revitalization, and reaching unreached people groups in our state like the Deaf population.

Click the areas below to see how Oklahoma Baptists allocate the State Mission Offering to advance the Gospel in Oklahoma.

For more information on these ministries, visit Oklahoma Baptists.

Addiction Care

One of the key areas of need is in response to addiction.  These funds will provide grants for churches across our state to place people from their church family in a Christ-centered treatment program.

Affinity Ministries

In an effort to advance the Gospel, Oklahoma Baptists host regional African American, Native American, and Hispanic Evangelism Conferences.  We want to equip, encourage, and inspire the work of evangelism in the hearts of our state’s affinity groups.

Associational Camps

Each summer thousands of children and young people attend camps across our state that are owned by local associations. Hundreds of children and youth profess faith in Christ at these camps and the stories of changed lives are powerful. Through the partnership efforts of Oklahoma Baptists and the local associations across the state, missions offering resources are provided to assist in the programming of these camps to spread the Gospel to those who attend.

Associational Partnerships

One of Oklahoma Baptists’ strategic patterns of work is to be Associational Partnered.  There are 40 associations across the state of Oklahoma that connect churches together in fellowship and strengthen them for their mission.  These funds provided through the State Missions Offering assist the associations across our state in encouraging the advance of the Gospel in their ministry areas.

Camp Perfect Wings

Camp Perfect Wings is a weekend camp for children and adults, ages 8 and up, with intellectual or developmental disabilities.  The camp includes tailored games, activities, worship, and Bible teachings.  Each camper is paired with a buddy to help them fully participate.  Camp Perfect Wings creates an environment where campers experience the love of Christ.  Funds are used to keep the camp affordable for campers and their families and to cover the camp fees for the buddies who make the camp possible.

Compassion Ministry

Throughout Scripture, we hear God’s heart for the church to care for orphans. Psalm 68:6 says, “God provides homes for those who are deserted.” We have a calling to care for children in need of a loving, caring home. By supporting the State Missions Offering, Oklahoma Baptists are able to empower churches to serve those with the greatest physical needs while spreading the Gospel to our neighbors.

Crisis Care

Disaster Relief and Chaplaincy is a ministry that allows Oklahoma Baptists to come together to provide physical, emotional and spiritual support to those impacted by disasters here in Oklahoma, throughout the country and around the world.  Through the State Missions Offering, Disaster Relief is able to partner with Baptist Collegiate Ministries to remove barriers for college students to serve with relief efforts across the country.  Also through these funds, hungry people are feed. Hunger is a real issue across Oklahoma. You don’t have to look very hard or far to see hungry people or struggling families that could use some help with food supplies. The Oklahoma Hunger Funds provides resources for local churches to have a ministry to those in need in their communities. Through a hunger ministry, churches can meet a physical need which provides an avenue for them to meet spiritual needs and advance the gospel in their community. 

Deaf Ministry

Ninety-eight percent of Deaf people do not know Jesus, making them one of the least-reached people groups in the world. This people group is relatively ignored by most of society. The church must begin by understanding Deaf culture to reach them for the gospel. Funding provides ASL training for church members to engage the Deaf community.

Foster Care

Throughout Scripture, we hear God’s heart for the church to care for orphans. Psalm 68:6 says, “God provides homes for those who are deserted.” We have a calling to care for children in need of a loving, caring home.

Indian Camps

Indian Falls Creek is the largest Native Christian encampment in North America, hosting 25-40 tribes and over 250 churches. The Gospel is presented throughout the week to impact lostness in our state. Besides Indian Falls Creek there are additional Native American camps held each year in other locations such as Kiamichi Baptist Encampment and other associational campgrounds.

Ministerial Crisis Care

The health and strength of a church depend on the health and strength of a pastor. Shepherding the flock of God is challenging work. Every pastor needs relational and family support. The off­ering will provide resources to strengthen our pastors and his family, so he can shepherd the flock of God in a way that advances the Gospel.

Multi-Vocational Pastors (MVP)

MVP Churches (churches of 125 and fewer) are the backbone of the state convention. They comprise nearly 1,500 of our churches. Through the offering, the Church & Community Spiritual Awakening Project will be launched. This strategy will be designed specifically with smaller churches in mind and will equip churches with prayer guides, evangelism training and a discipleship plan.

Global Missions

Oklahoma Baptists have a great heritage of sending missionaries overseas with the International Mission Board. In an eff­ort to reach the nations, every church has the opportunity to connect with missionaries overseas through the State Missions Off­ering. From any town in our state, we can touch the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through praying, giving, and going.

Prison and Jail Ministries

Oklahoma Baptists are impacting prisoners with the Gospel. Through a ministry initiative in partnership with OBU, long term inmates have the opportunity to earn a theological education. Your giving will provide ministry training for inmates as they serve the Lord by sharing the hope of Jesus with their fellow inmates in the prison system.

Refugee Ministry

After years of war in Afghanistan, 1,800 evacuees came to Oklahoma. Many churches have stepped up to receive refugees as new neighbors. The State Missions Offering helps the local church provide housing, food, and basic needs. Oklahoma Baptists are helping those who have been displaced find a home and see the love of Christ.

Regional Church Relations

As Oklahoma Baptists seek to advance the Gospel across the state, there will be the opportunity for churches and associations to engage in projects and strategic plans to do so.  These funds will be available through the Regional Ministry Partners of the Church Relations Group to partner with church and associations as they engage in advancing the Gospel in their communities and area.

State Missions Education and Promotion

The State Missions Offering was established to empower Oklahomans with missional efforts. The annual offering provides opportunities we would not have otherwise.  By promoting the offering, churches are able to rally together in making disciples and train up generations of believers with a heart for the lost.

Student Outreach Events

The offering enhances churches and associational efforts to host evangelistic rallies, such as See You at the Pole and Falls Creek follow-up.  At the See You at the Pole rallies there were several thousand in attendance and many students made professions of faith with many other decisions reported.