Having believed the Gospel and being rescued and redeemed by Jesus, the members of Arrow Heights are all about following Jesus in all of life for the rest of life. We are learning to live life according to the Bible. We believe Jesus is Lord, King over us, and His way of life as taught in the Scripture is what is good and right. Learning to live that life is called discipleship. Jesus said, “If anyone will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me.” Luke 9:23. Followers of Jesus, spend time with Jesus every day through prayer and the engagement with God’s Word, the Bible. That time with Jesus, forms our identity as authentic followers in all of life. We are daily becoming like Jesus as He transforms our character, attitudes, responses, and conduct as we obediently follow what He is teaching us in His Word.
Following Jesus includes being a fully engaged part of His family (the church). Not only do we follow Christ to be with Him and to become like Him, but we also live for Him. We live for Christ as we relate to and serve together with a local church body that is on mission for Christ. Christ’s followers are people obeying a commission from Christ to go to all people and help them know the story of God’s salvation. Living out that commission means we introduce people to Jesus and call them to repentance from their self-focused life and a total trust in Jesus. Those who believe, become a part of the family, they are baptized and taught to faithfully follow Jesus.
At Arrow Heights, we walk a narrow, intentional pathway of following Jesus daily that leads us to be a family that pleases and glorifies Christ and that puts us on mission to make more and more followers of Jesus until He comes.
Church Discipleship Pathway
- Entry – Start your life in church discipleship by laying the foundation of repentance and faith in Jesus alone for salvation. Become an active part of this local church by presenting yourself for membership.
- Equip – Be formed to be a faithful, follower of Jesus by learning and practicing the core realities of discipleship in today’s world.
- Engage – Forge your life as a partner in the body of Christ as you engage with others in and through a small group that is on mission, directed by God’s Word.
- Establish – Faithfully participate in corporate worship and service opportunities being a steward of time, gifts, talents, and money as the whole church glorifies Christ together week by week.
- Extend – Fulfill your purpose as God’s ambassador as you bear fruit as a disciple-maker, joining God on mission daily.
To learn more about our groups, click here.