Mission Projects

The church has been given the joyous responsibility to engage our world with the Gospel.  One way we seek to reach our world is through short-term mission trips.  Our goal is to plan strategic short-term mission trips that result in sustainable Gospel impact in specific locations with SBC missionaries our church has partnered with.  Arrow Heights has locked arms with these missionaries and their churches around the globe who could use our teams in helping propel the Gospel forward.  

In 2024, Arrow Heights participated in short-term mission trips to New York City, Colorado, and Malawi.  Arrow Heights will be participating in three short-term mission trips in 2025: New York City, Colorado, and Colombia.  For additional information, contact Pastor Rich at rich@arrowheights.org.

“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him?  And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?  And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent?  That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” Romans 10:14-15

2025 Mission Trips

Our mission projects seek to provide Arrow Heights students and adults with opportunities to meet the social, emotional, and most important, spiritual needs of others through practical experiences focused on servanthood, relationships, Gospel sharing, and personal commitment to missions.

Our trip to Colombia over spring break 2025 will offer a unique option for a group of 3-5 people who want to get off the beaten path and head to the jungle.  Our IMB partners, Joe and Megan Brewster, anticipate this to be a phenomenal experience and will give Arrow Heights first-hand knowledge of what it would be like to work with tribal groups in their context.

We will be working with a Baptist pastor who has a church in a small jungle town of Puerto Inirida, where four different tribal groups come together for worship.  Our team will be involved in ministry by either working with his church to offer a VBS and/or traveling into the jungle by boat to work with other pastors from the surrounding jungle to help further discipleship and leadership development.

DATES: March 11-18, 2025

Our Arrow Heights team will spend a week in Wellington, Colorado serving, sharing, and bring hope to the community of Wellington, Colorado.  Our team will be joining NAMB missionaries, Jon & Tiffany Willhite and their church plant, StoneBridge Church, serving their community with activities that include: children’s recreation day camp ministry, community service projects, and prayer walking.  We will also have an opportunity to take in some of the beauty of the Rocky Mountains.

This trip is open to students (must have completed 7th grade by the end of 2024/2025 school year) and adults who attend Arrow Heights.  Younger children may participate if they are accompanied by a parent.  Participants must be willing and comfortable sharing their testimonies with the Gospel message.  Training will be provided.

DATES: June 14-21, 2025
COST: $250 per person who ride in the van or $160 per person who drives or rides in their own or a parent’s vehicle.  The deadline to register and pay the $50 initial deposit is Sunday, April 13, 2025.

Register by clicking here.

Click here for the brochure for all the details.


Our Arrow Heights team will spend a week in the Big Apple serving, sharing, and bring hope to the Pelham Parkway community in the Bronx.  Pelham Parkway is a middle-class residential neighborhood geographically located in the center of the Bronx.  Our team will be serving NAMB missionaries, Jordan & Becky Sauceda, Everlasting Church, and their community primarily by focusing on community outreach in the Pelham Parkway neighborhood by ministering to families with children, conducting a VBS in the local park, surveying, community service projects, and prayer walking.

This trip is open to students (must have completed 7th grade by the end of 2024/2025 school year) and adults who attend Arrow Heights.  Participants must be willing and comfortable sharing their testimonies with the Gospel message.  Training will be provided.

DATES: June 28-July 5, 2025
COST: $650/per person.  The deadline to register and pay the $200 initial deposit is Sunday, February 9, 2025.


Click here for the brochure for all the details.