
  • Number recognition and concept to 10
  • Count to 20
  • Understands first, second, and last
  • Recognize, repeat, and create A-B patterns
  • Classifies objects by size, color, shape, design
  • Identify shapes
  • Matches objects
  • Compares groups by attributes: alike/different, taller/shorter, more/less
  • Identify which of two objects is longer or shorter using a non-standard measuring tool
  • Answer simple questions about a graph


  • Use senses to make comparisons
  • Develop awareness of nature and the world
  • Develop concept of seasons and weather
  • Identify body parts and facial features


  • Know primary colors and secondary colors
  • Introduce and experience skills with various art media
  • Use scissors properly
  • Use glue properly

Fine Motor Development

  • Learns self-help skills (zip, button, snap)
  • Assembles simple puzzles
  • Manipulates play dough; finger paints
  • Copies simple shapes
  • Stacks blocks up to nine high
  • Develop pincer grip with pencils or crayons

Social Studies                                                         

  • Develop awareness of community helpers
  • Identify rules at school
  • Identify possible consequences of not obeying rules
  • Develop concept of self, family, and the world around us
  • Develop awareness of holidays and identify symbols of common holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter
  • Participates in the Great Expectations curriculum (monthly character trait, eight expectations, pledges and Bible verses)

Reading and Language Arts

  • Participates in group discussions, songs, and conversations
  • Can sit through a 15 minute group time
  • Listen to stories being read aloud
  • Model reading behaviors
  • Use prior knowledge to anticipate meaning or predict events in a story
  • Retell or act out events in stories
  • Predicts logical outcome of story
  • Handles books appropriately
  • Takes turns in conversations
  • Repeats sounds, words and phrases [finger plays, songs, poems]
  • Asks and answers questions of who, what, when, where, why, how
  • Recognize that signs in urban environment convey meaning:
  • Develop vocabulary by listening to books read aloud
  • Be able to say the alphabet
  • Begin to recognize and form letters of the alphabet
  • Recognize own name when printed
  • Begin to print own name