**Must be 4 by September 1st
- Begins to associate number concepts, vocabulary, quantities, and written numerals in meaningful ways.
- Identifies and writes numbers 0-15
- Counts backward from 10
- Count to 100
- Counts by tens to 100
- Identify, name and describe a variety of shapes
- Uses position words (above, below, up, down, in, out, over, and under with accuracy)
- Compare and order objects
- Describe similarities and differences between objects
- Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger (5 is bigger than 4 and 10 is bigger than both of those numbers)
- Compare sets and explains which has more/less or equivalent quantities
- Use ordinal number to order objects first through third
- Identify the days of the week and months of the year.
- Verbally explain a graph
- Sorts and groups objects into a set and explains verbally what the objects have in common
- Recognize patterns, repeat them, and explain them verbally.
- Measure objects using nonstandard units of measurement
- Develop an awareness of simple time concepts within his/her daily life (e.g., yesterday, today, tomorrow; morning, afternoon, night
Social and Personal Goals
- Plays, works and interacts easily with others.
- Recognizes the feelings of others and responds appropriately.
- Develops confidence and stands up for own rights.
- Shows respect for others and their property.
- Recognizes and expresses own feelings and respond appropriately.
- Develops increasing abilities to give and take in interactions; to take turns and to interact without being overly submissive or directive.
- Seeks assistance when appropriate.
- Demonstrates emerging awareness and respect for culture, ethnicity, abilities and disabilities.
- States full name, age, and name of parent or guardian.
Fine Motor Skills
- Demonstrates increased control of hand and eye coordination (using beads, crayons, paint brushes, and puzzles).
- Demonstrates increasing control of small muscles in hands
- Uses a pencil correctly
Social Studies
- Develop awareness of community helpers
- Identify rules at school and possible consequences of not obeying rules
- Develop awareness of holidays and identify symbols of common holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter
- Participates in the Great Expectations curriculum (monthly character trait, expectations and Bible verses)
- Know primary colors and secondary colors
- Introduce and experience skills with various art media
- Use scissors properly
- Use glue properly
Reading and Language Arts
- Participates in group discussions, songs, and conversations
- Can sit through a 15 minute group time
- Listen to stories being read aloud
- Listens and responds to Bible stories
Print Awareness
- Understand concepts about print
- Understand that printed materials provide information.
- Distinguish letters from words.
- Recognize and name all capital and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Phonological/Phonemic Awareness
- Know some letter sounds
- Identify and produce simple rhyming pairs.
- Identify and count syllables in spoken words.
- Distinguish onset (beginning sound(s)) and rimes in one-syllable words.
- Recognize ending sounds in spoken words.
- Recognize the same sounds in different words.
- Begin to blend phonemes to form a word.
- Increase personal vocabulary by listening to a variety of text and literature.
- Use new vocabulary and language in own speech and writing.
- Uses self-help language
- Read familiar texts emergently, not necessarily verbatim from the print alone.
- Use pre-reading skills (e.g., connecting prior knowledge to text, making predictions about text and using picture clues).
- Retell, reenact or dramatize a story read to the student or by the student.
- Make predictions and confirm after reading or listening to text.
- With prompting and support describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear
- Distinguish between fiction and nonfiction.
- Place events in sequential order by telling the beginning, middle and ending.
- Summarize main points and events of a simple story.
- Develops understanding that writing is a way of communicating for a variety of purposes
- Construct journal entries using illustrations and beginning writing skills
- Uses random letters to convey message/story
- Print using left to right progression moving from the top to the bottom of the page (Uses writing like behavior)
- Print his/her first name
- Writes some letters
- Uses beginning letter to represent a word
- Dictate a story about an exciting event or experience