Meet our Pastoral Team & Ministers

The Bible gives local shepherds to each church family. These shepherds are called pastors (or sometimes elders or overseers). Biblically, a team of pastors leads, feeds, and protects the local church body as prescribed by 1 Timothy 3:1-7, and Titus 1:5-9. According to the Scriptures, we believe pastors are biblically qualified men who have been vetted and approved by the local church in accordance with 1 Tim. 3 and Titus 1. Pastors are capable of, and responsible for, teaching, leading, and spiritually protecting the local church family. At Arrow Heights, our pastors serve together on the Pastoral Team and serve alongside staff ministers. Ministers are men or women who have been biblically gifted for specific service in organizing, coordinating, and serving in particular areas of church ministry. Ministers are also vetted and approved by the church, and teach in their areas under pastoral authority.

For more information about a pastor or minister, click on their picture.

Dr. Ryan Smith

Lead Pastor

Joshua White

Executive Pastor

Rich Johnson

Pastor of Care & Missions

Nathan Copeland

Pastor of Worship & Equipping

Austin Puckett

Student Minister

Jennifer Story

Children's Minister

Administrative Assistants

Ralene Jones

Executive Assistant

Jessica Chaplin

Finance Assistant

Heidi Leatherland

Ministry Assistant

Yannah Cormier

Communications Assistant

Support Staff

Miles Kimbrough

Director of Maintenance

Riley Allen
