January Mission Emphasis

Each month Arrow Heights emphasizes a specific mission opportunity or offering to our congregation. Check back each month to see our next emphasis!


Hope’s mission is to help young men and women have hope and choose life in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy.  Trained staff and volunteers offer education and support for men and women facing an unplanned pregnancy.  The desire of the staff is to encourage, affirm dignity and self-worth, and provide positive alternatives for individual situations and needs.  Every person is treated with strict confidentiality and respect in a non-judgmental, non-discriminatory manner.  It is imperative we reach men and women in an unplanned pregnancy with truth and hope before they travel across state lines for an abortion or illegally order abortion pills online.  Hope offers no-cost services with the help of individuals who volunteer their time and those who give from their resources to supply the needs of the ministry.  To discover ways you can be on mission with Hope, visit the missions table in the foyer or visit obhc.org/hope.


Hope Pregnancy’s Impact for 2023:

  • 2,942 individuals served
  • 2,369 pregnancy tests performed
  • 1,165 ultrasounds were provided and 82% chose life for their babies
  • 496 moms/dads empowered through parenting classes
  • 134 men and women accepted Christ

Current Needs:

  • New Bibles (ESV, NIV)
  • Onesies (gender-neutral, newborn size)
  • Baby Toiletries (Baby Wash, Lotion, Diaper Cream, Powder)
  • Baby Wipes
  • Socks
  • Bibs

Collection bins are located throughout the church campus for you to drop off donations for Hope Pregnancy during the month of January.