God’s mission in the world is the lens through which we discern our ministries, our outreach initiatives, and the use of our resources. Every follower of Jesus is called out to bring hope to others throughout the world. God’s mission for the church was given by Jesus to the disciples in the Great Commission:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV)
Accordingly, missions at Arrow Heights is not a single ministry, but a core value that guides all ministries and functions of the church.
Each month Arrow Heights emphasizes one of our local missions or seasonal missions offerings. Click here to view the current monthly mission emphasis.
Cooperative Program & Seasonal Offerings
Arrow Heights is a cooperating Southern Baptist congregation and a big component of our missions effort is participation in the Southern Baptist Cooperative Program. Arrow Heights also participates in seasonal Southern Baptist mission offerings.
Mission Partnerships
Arrow Heights is actively involved in local missions through prayer, financial and physical support throughout the greater Tulsa area, as well as offering opportunities to serve in areas through the North American Mission Board and the International Mission Board.
Monthly Mission Emphasis
Each month Arrow Heights emphasizes a specific mission opportunity or offering to our congregation.