**Must be 5 by Sept 1
Math Goals
- The student will sort and classify objects and analyze simple patterns
- Count forward to 100 and backwards from 10
- Count objects in a set one-by-one from one to twenty
- Identify and create sets of objects zero through twenty
- Identify and write numerals zero through twenty, in and out of sequence. Children may still be reversing some numerals
- Identify and use ordinal numbers to order objects first through tenth
- Combine and remove objects from sets and verbally describe the result (e.g., adding objects to a set makes the set larger, subtracting objects from a set makes the set smaller
- Identify, name, and describe a variety of basic two-dimensional geometric shapes
- Identify, name, and describe a variety of three-dimensional geometric shapes
- Model and use words indicating relative position and direction
- Measure objects using nonstandard units of measurement
- Compare objects according to observable attributes
- Compare and order objects in graduated order
- Tell time on digital and analog clocks to the hour
- Identify the days of the week and months of the year
- Identify the coins: penny, nickel, dime, and quarter
- Use numbers and counting as a means for solving problems and measuring quantity
- Develops abilities to collect, describe, and record information through a variety of means including discussion, drawings, maps, charts, and graphs
- Describes similarities and differences between objects
- Collects and analyze information about objects and events in the environment
- Create and verbally explain a data display or graph (e.g., real object graph, pictorial graphs)
Social and Personal Goals
- Stay involved in a self-selected activity for approximately 15 to 20 minutes
- State his/her full name, age, birthdate, address, telephone number, and name of parent or guardian
- Listens and sits through stories, Bible stories, or poems
- Participates in the Great Expectations curriculum (monthly character trait, pledges, eight expectations, and Bible verses
Reading & Writing
Print Awareness
- Understand concepts about print
- Understand that printed materials provide information
- Recognize that sentences in print are made up of separate words
- Distinguish letters from words
- Recognize and name all capital and lowercase letters of the alphabet
Phonological/Phonemic Awareness
- Identify and produce simple rhyming pairs
- Identify and count syllables in spoken words
- Distinguish onset (beginning sound(s)) and rimes in one-syllable words
- Recognize ending sounds in spoken words
- Recognize the same sounds in different words
- Begin to blend phonemes to form a word
- Begin to segment phonemes of one syllable words
- Identify the alphabet by name
- Identify the alphabet by sound
- Read familiar texts emergently, not necessarily verbatim from the print alone
- Recognize some common words by sight, including but not limited to: a, the, I, you, my, are
- Use pre-reading skills (e.g., connecting prior knowledge to text, making predictions about text and using picture clues)
- Retell, reenact or dramatize a story read to the student or by the student
- Make predictions and confirm after reading or listening to text
- Distinguish between fiction and nonfiction
- Place events in sequential order by telling the beginning, middle, and ending
- Summarize main points and events of a simple story
- Recognize cause and effect relationships
Writing Goals
- The student will use the writing process to write coherently.
- The student will communicate through a variety of written forms, for various purposes, and to a specific audience or person.
- The student will demonstrate appropriate practices in writing by applying Standard English grammar conventions.